Sunday, June 8, 2014

Week 6 Term 2

Week 6 Term 2

Hi everyone

We hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Last week we were lucky enough to watch the Kahurangi dance group perform songs and the story of Matariki.  The children really enjoyed this performance.  Room 1 has written a class thank you letter to the group and Room 2 are writing recounts about the performance.

This Friday the New Zealand Playhouse is performing Rap-unzel for the whole school at 1.30. A big thank you to the PTA who has paid for both performances.

Swimming continues on Tuesday and Friday for the 6 year olds in Room 2.

For Maori the children are learning their mihi.  Room 1 has their mihi pasted into their poetry book and Room 2's is in their homework book.  Could you please help your child practise these at home.

Also before we know it, it will be Eisteddfod time again.  This term it is poetry.  Your child will need to say a poem in front of the class in Week 8.  It can be quite short e.g. a nursery rhyme, or a poem from their poetry book, or a poem you have found in a book or online etc.

Have a good week

Sue and Julie

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