Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week 9, term 3

Hi everyone,

Can't believe that it's the last week of term already!

We have a busy week ahead of us, with musical practices most mornings from 10.30-12.45.  If you have an animal onesie at home that you haven't sent along yet, could you please send it along tomorrow.  We are also looking for pairs of white angel wings.

On Monday and Wednesday afternoons at 2.10, we have athletic's practice, so sports' uniforms may be worn on these days.  Children are now able to choose between wearing winter and summer uniform depending on the weather, but the summer uniform is compulsory after the holidays.  The children are  looking forward to being able to bring their scooters to school next term.

Tuesday afternoon is the last day of the Grandparent reading programme for Room 1 and we are making and serving afternoon tea to the grandmas.  We are very thankful to these ladies for giving up their time each Tuesday to read and play games with the children. It is one of the highlights of the week and the children are very sad that it is finishing for the year.

On Monday and Tuesday, children will be singing their Eisteddfod song to the class and six Year 1-2 children will be chosen to perform at the school Assembly at 1.30pm this Thursday 22 September.

Important Dates Coming Up:
School Musical - Noah: Matinee 1pm and evening performance 6.30pm Wednesday 19 October, evening performance 6.30pm Thursday 20 October.
School Athletics Day: Wednesday 26 October

Have a great week,

Sue, Julie and Rosalie

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Week 9 Important information

Hi everyone Well, this is the last blog for the year. The time has just flown by! What's on this week? Junior School Christmas Crafts...