Saturday, March 10, 2018

Week 7

Hi Everyone

Wow what an awesome effort on Wednesday at the triathlon. It was so exciting to see all the children so proud of themselves at the end!! Well done

This week I will be away all week on the Stewart Island school camp.
Mrs Eastwood will be teaching on Monday and Mrs Roberts for the rest of the week. If you have any problems or concerns please see Trina. This will be a normal weeks programme for the children as I have left all work and the routines will stay the same. Bernadette will still be in Room 3 all week.

Please consider becoming a Room 2 rep on the PTA. We have Kiri has kindly offered to be one of the reps but we do need another. It is not a massive task. One of the reps comes to the PTA meeting. As classroom parents any concerns or ideas you have for the PTA can be feed through the reps.

The PTA drive many things that help the children at St Gerard's. They are desperately short on people and they would love to see some new faces.

Have a great week


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