Sunday, November 4, 2018

Week 4

Hope everyone had a super weekend. Thanks to those who had a hand to play in the home tour and cook book. Well done everyone

We have athletics rotations on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so please send children to school in sport's uniforms.

The Athletic Sports will be held on Thursday 8th November at Molyneux Park, with postponement date being the following day, Friday 9th November.
The events will start at 9:30am and run through until approximately 2:45pm.
Students will need to wear the school sports uniform with track suits or trackpants and school jersey over the top. Sunhats, sun block, a warm jacket andplenty to eat and drink are needed.
All children are to be at the park by 9:15am and meet  behind Room 7’s cone so that the roll can be taken. If your child will be travelling to school by bus on the day, please let me know so that we know who to wait for, and your child will be walked or driven to the park – wait in the school office area once you get off the bus.
If you are able to help on this day at an event please email . Thank you to those people who have already indicated that they are available to assist. These people need to meet Mr Yeoman in front of the steps at 9:15am on the day of the athletics.
The Athletic Sports timetable will be on the window in the school foyer to enable parents to
plan ahead the best time to visit if attendance can only be for a short time. Let’s hope for
great weather and a day of supported competition.

This is Tuesday and not Thursday as athletics- BUT i see that the pool is closed until Wednesday??? Will check this out.

There are still some children who do not have sun hats. If your child has lost theirs, they are available from the school uniform shop. (Opening Hours: Monday - 2.45pm to 3.15pm and Friday – 8.45am to 9.15am.) We will be asking your child to sit in the shade at playtime and lunchtime if they do not have their hat.

Please check your children’s hair as our class has had an outbreak. Please keep children home till they are treated initially. Most require further treatments and removal of eggs so please be vigilant.

We are very lucky to have the NZ Mounted rifles visiting our school.
This will happen on Friday November 9th 11.15 - 12.15.
We are asking children to bring a gold coin donation which will go to the Alexandra/Clyde RSA and the NZ MountedRifles Charity - The Long Walk Home. Parents and friends of the school are more than welcome to attend. A great opportunity for photos so don’t forget your camera.

Have a great week


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